Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Should Workplace Drug Testing Be Allowed?

  • The surgeon operating on you, or other family/friends you know?
  • The bus or train driver, driving your child to school?
  • The truck driver tailgating you on the highway?
  • The airline pilot in control of your flight?
  • The person building your house?
  • The midwife delivering your baby?
  • Workplace hierarchies and bullying -- which drug testing could exacerbate
  • Insufficient support in managing work related stress
  • Long shifts, particularly whose requiring disruption to normal sleep cycles
"Drug testing will continue top be employed on a widespread basis for the foreseeable future, as concerns over safety, productivity, and liability continue to trump privacy concerns in the minds of many business owners, executives and managers."

Basically, drug testing will always still be used, and there will still be a huge debate over it. Some agree, some don't it's based on your beliefs.

How do you feel about Drug Testing? Do you agree with the pros or cons? I feel as if we should really look into drug testing a lot more and not waste as much money as we do, because out of all the drug test given out it's a little number of people whom are on drugs, according to Drug Testing "The ACLU, it reports that in 1990the federal government spent $11.8 million to test 29,000 employees, only 153 whom tested positive - amounting to a cost of 77,000 to detect each positive drug user!"

Seriously, we really need to re-think about all this money we're spending and how all of that money could of been spent.
I just feel like the testing on drugs shouldn't be taken so seriously unless you have s serious job. If you work in a hamburger shop, who cares but if you are a surgeon or pilot than check them, test them. they're the ones who will be putting others in real harm and they're the ones who have huge responsibilities while attending work each day. If you work at a hamburger shop your making simple food from simple instructions, you may be giving it to someone but if your high and making it it's pretty much a given that you'll do it right. But trying to fly a plane while on drugs could be very dangerous cause of hallucinations while on drugs or mood changes, you may not even want to fly the plane, you could all of a sudden decide to let go. That's pretty dangerous, but also a surgeon, not a good idea. A surgeon in charge of the open heart surgery of your loved one, whoa. You could have some troubles right there if they were under the influence while doing surgery.

Just to let you know what my point is, we need to test the important jobbed people to save more money for better use.